Transaction API
Create Transaction
Last Updated: 15 October 2024Use this POST request to initiate a transaction related to one of the listed services. Note: It is essential to consult the list of available services to ensure that the service you wish to use is included. Headers Parameter Name Value Mendatory Description apikey String Yes your API key (provided by RichattPay) Accept-Language en: defaultfr...
New Claim
Last Updated: 17 October 2024To file a complaint related to a transaction, the partner can send a POST request to the following URL, including the subject of the complaint, the message, and the transaction ID. Headers Parameter Name Value Mendatory Description apikey String Yes your API key (provided by RichattPay) Body Example of successful response Examples of error response...
Transaction status
Last Updated: 10 October 2024the partner has the ability to check the status of the transaction by making a POST request to the fomowing URL, with the external transaction ID in the body of the request. Note: If you call this resource more than 3 times per minute for the same transaction, your IP address may be blocked. Headers...
Last Updated: 10 October 2024By making a GET request to the following URL, the partner can check their balance. Headers Parameter Name Value Mendatory Description apikey String Yes your API key (provided by RichattPay) Example of successful response Examples of error response Status(403) Status(500)
List of errors
Last Updated: 11 October 2024To test the Transaction API, generate an API key from your partner space in the RichattPay application.Once you have obtained this key, insert it into a GET request to view the list of potential errors via the following URL: Headers Parameter Name Value Mandatory Description apikey String Yes your API key (provided by RichattPay) Accept-Language...